
Excel Home Care


Organisation change is the process in which changes occur in structure, strategies, technologies that affected within an organisation. A company accepts to change for developing purpose. For modern organisation, it is versatile and adaptive for multiple changes. This report is based on Excelcare Holdings who provides high level of care. It was founded in 2000. They used to provide health care services to peoples of all ages. In order to ensure the services provided are issued them in their homes. The main purpose of this assignment is to ensure changes in programme which aiming to achieve. It is here to analyses appropriately with PESTEL and SWOT by summarising changes in an organisation.(Benge, 2016)

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Describing briefly significant organisational changes undergone in last 5years.

Excelcare is a large organisation which run undergone changes in health and social care sector or hospitality and event care sector in last 5 years. The changes or types of changes which occur in an organisation with an aim to achieve by there experiences.

1.1 Scope of organisational changes

This reporting is going to cover the organisational changes in an academic theory. Their are various types of changes which are opt by Excelcare holdings. In this, they are intended with the analysis by PESTEL and SWOT to determine the changes. The company distinguishes changes in between transitional and transformational in their available resources. Excelcare deliver services at home by supporting people. Identification is in the forces of application, that an organisation changes trying to achieve by using internal & external analysing tool. In last 5years, they are dealing with forcefield model to identify, it is better or not. PESTEL and SWOT is also their, to find against forces lie in Excelcare. The company is on health care which lie changes in order to deliver services. Internal and external analysis define the changing programme with an aim to achieve in strategic direction.

1.2 Purpose of organisational changes

This report is in order to achieve growth, which undergone by changes in an organisation. Using of internal and external analysis is done in order to indicate the transformation occurs in organisation. Excelcare company changes its way of working, to attract customers. The aim of this analysis is to bring usual form of working. Forcefield model is intended use by Excelcare for the purpose of fast forward. This is their to help with technological changes, reducing costs, competition with an intensity. Dynamic changes is competed on the basis of theory of Kotter and Todnem. These theories is discussed about the changes with the purpose of developing vision, short term wins etc. Organisation changing programmes are empowered in order to play an active role with planned benefits. The aim of this programme is to achieve strategic direction especially with an ability and willing-full manner. The changes is there to speed up the production process. The services provided by Excelcare on health and social to raise the volume of output. Changes undergone in services to customers, is their in order to extend by attracting them.(Burkitt, and Zealley, 2015)

1.3 Information regarding Excelcare about his history, strategic change, relevant time line.

Excelcare is a company which provides a wide range of domiciliary care. Recently has 33 residential and nursing homes in an organisation. It was founded in 2000, with high quality of social and private services users. In last 5 years they has run over by providing hairdressing and beauty saloons. The strategic changes occur on 10th September 2018 in Excelcare that offer long term with good access in local shops. services provided in hospitality like bedrooms with single occupancy  and suited facilities. Ethelred house in maintained with a purpose of providing nursing, houses with care and support 24 hours (Care Homes Owned by Excelcare Holdings, 2018). On 24 august 2018, it is in long field with specialises in caring, single storey home care. In this time period, they provide long field offer with musical entertainment, gardening, art and craft, musical entertainment etc. Changes provided by excel care on 31st October 2018 where Winifred dell care centre provided top peoples for residential care. It encouraged customers to visit with family & friends by offering outside spaces, cinema and activities suite, nail salon, library etc.(Carchiolo and et. al., 2018,)

1.4 SWOT and PESTEL analysis of excelcare holdings

This analysis define strength, weakness, opportunities and threats on internal basis. Externally PESTEL is define company political, economical, social, technological, environmental and logical factors.

Internal Analysis


  • In this, company provides modern and home care facilities that customers attract the most.
  • They are passionate about caring for others, providing comfortable environments.


  • Services provided them are expensive, which are not affordable by everyone.


  • high quality environment attract customers in opting hospitality services.
  • Company can expand their business in different sectors and other in other countries.


  • Level of competition.
  • New entrance of organisations.

External Analysis


  • Government intervenes in the economy.
  • Excelcare has ton anticipate with future legislations and services with legal aspects.


  • Interest rate charges on services provided to customers.
  • Taxation regarding with the facilities provided in hospitality.


  • In this, it is depended on customer belief and attitude what drives them to pursue.


  • It involves in services providing by using new ways of production.
  • The use of technology helps to work fast and easily.


  • Services provided by Excelcare with effect from utilising resources.
  • It is depended on customers demand for that service.

Legal Factors

  • The services offer to customers are to be legal and secure.


2.1 Academic Theory of Change and Exelcare

Theory of change (ToC) defines that it is the type of strategy or methodology for planning, evaluating and participation that is used in philanthropy or not for profit motive and for government sectors in order to promote the social change.(Hayes, 2016) Theory of change explains the whole process of program evaluation or focus on generating knowledge about the program whether the program is effective or not and also defines what methods are adopted in order to make program effective. In other words, the theory of change states long term goals and then maps backward to identify necessary preconditions and methods which helps in achieving them.

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Theory of change followed by several large organisation in order to promote brand and for business growth. As in case of Excelcare Holdings, Excelcare holdings also follow the theory of change for its business growth, as recently the Excelcare develops it's 33 residential and nursing homes within organisation. Each care home within the group works to its maximum potentials to provides excellent provides excellent personal care to its residents, also offers the wide range of luxury services including beauty salons, cinema rooms, library, internet facilities and more. Not only this, Excelcare recently starts providing domiciliary care and provides high quality services for social motive as well as private motive also.( Martinez, 2017)

2.2 Identification of types of changes according to theories of change

Punctuated Equilibrium Model (PEM): It refers to the model of organisational change that  acts as advance theory as well as guide to managerial actions. This model comprises with the changes in organisation, may discontinuous and simultaneous changes in all types of business activities and not through incremental and asynchronous changes and are not tested with longitudinal(duration or period of changes occurs) and large sample research. As in case of Excelcare recently develops their residential care centres throughout various regions such as London regions, Essex region, Cambridge region etc. so the development of more centres based on the income generated from other centres as due to this the developmental changes in business operations of this organisation is of not continuous basis so that why these changes comes under the punctuated model.(Min and Jin, 2014)

Grundy's theory of change(1993): this theory of change comprises with the three types of changes which are as follows:

  • Smooth incremental: It means the slowly increment, in predictable and in systematic way. Not fit for for facing today's competition and in case of Excel care development the smooth incremental prevails.
  • Bumpy incremental: It means increment which includes those from both the environment in which organisations operate as well as the internal changes such as those adopted to improve the working efficiency. Moreover, it involves the periodic reorganizations that organisations go through.
  • Discontinuous incremental: In this increment changes are marked by rapid variations in strategy, structure and culture, as in case of Excel care the company increment or development based on the discontinuous incremental system.

Kotter's theory(1996): This theory of change propounded by the John P. Kotter in 1996, which pertain 8 stages or action which an organisation like ExcelCare must adopt for an effective change. Actions are; create a sense of urgency, Build a guiding coalition, Form a strategic vision and Initiatives, Enlist a volunteer army, Enable action by removing barriers, Generate Short term wins, Sustain Acceleration, Institute change will occurs, are the steps for effective changes.(Paes, E. C., and et. al., 2014)  

Todnem theory of change(2009): This theory argues that all approaches to change are rooted in a set values, some leads to more ethical outcomes than others. It includes that to achieve the beneficial change, those who promote and adopt particular approaches to leadership and change must provide big ethical clarity about the visions. This theory is followed by the organisation like Excelcare holdings.(Parra Rondon, M., and et. al., 2014)

2.3 Difference between Transitional and Transformational Change





It pertain gradual or Continuous process of Societal change.

It means a process of creating a Fundamentally new system, when ecological, economic or social structures affects the existing system.


Episodic or planned in nature.

Radical or second order by nature.

Variations in process

·Unfreezing the existing organisation

·Moving to new state
Refreezing in new state



Variations or shifts in existing

·Structure of organisation workings.

·Processes of business operations like planning and strategy making.

·Culture and strategy of operations of business.

2.4 Aim of Organisational Change regards with strategic direction

No doubt in the above statement that “ organisation's change program is aiming to achieve the strategic direction” for an effective change and to prepare and strategic directions. The main aim behind this is to build the internal capability which is necessary to deliver the strategy or to reorganise the internal systems and structures for effective and efficient utilisation of scare resources. Strategic planning process is crucial for the leadership team as it creates the clarity about the future direction is important for staff motivation and particularly at the time of uncertainty. As in case of Excelcare and its strategic directions for future growth are planned, as related with the setting up of new care centres in different regions across the country(Parra, López and Mohamad, 2014).

2.5 Identification of change that organisation is experiencing

In an organisation the changes are made in order to make some variations in planning, controlling, strategy planning and may be in controlling and expansion of the business for example, as in case of Excelcare recently develops their residential care centres in various regions like London regions, Essex region, Cambridge region etc. so the development of more centres are in processing and depends revenues generated from the other centres. The changes in the organisation which the organisation is experiencing, is regarding with the expansion of the business criteria, it is the type of discontinuous increment as due to establishment of new centres cannot be done continuously or in combined with the other business operations.

2.6 Lewin theory of change and Lewins Forcefield Model in context of organisation change

Kurt Lewin propound the change model of change, which very simple and practical model for understanding the change process. The model pertain three stages namely, Unfreezing, Changing and Refreezing. 'Unfreezing' defines that people resists the change,  so it is important to crate awareness about the variation which is to be made and know the current level of acceptability. The next step is 'changing' mean transitioning or moving, refers to implementing the plan which leads to change. The third step is 'Refreezing' means act of reinforcing, stabilizing and solidifying the new state after the implementation of variations as happened in case of Excelcare while establishment of several centre in different regions..

Lewin Force field model pertain driving forces and restraining forces, driving forces promote the variations and the opposite of it the restraining forces hinder the change, restraining forces are not similar in nature as they are opposite to  driving forces rather than constituting driving forces in along themselves. For example, organisations have some ambitions, goals, needs. But the  fears drive people of organisation towards or away from ambitions or goals, constitute driving forces. force does not imply physical pressure, but refers to the broad range of internal and external influences at a particular time(.Wong, Gregory and Pacey, 2015).

2.7 Identification of forces for change the Excelcare

  According to the theory of change propounded by Kurt Lewin, in his model of change there are two forces one of them is Driving force and second is Restrain force as these forces work against of each other. On one hand the fist force that is driving force which promote and support the changes for the betterment of the organisation and this force is applicable and followed in case of Excel care, as due to changes regarding the expansion and betterment for the operations of Excelcare are implementing. The driving force pushes the organisation towards the new state, but according to Lewin, stability can be achieved by both the forces at the level when both the forces achieved at stage of equilibrium(Seetoh, T., and et. al., 2013).

Some of the driving forces which pushes the Excel care towards change or growth.

  • Product and services: Products and services offered by them for social as well as personal motive, social services helps in promoting the brand.
  • Methodology of competition: The competitive advantage is the convenience and choice they provide to buyers and their luxurious residential services.
  • Technological force: Research and development capabilities and innovation also promote the growth.

2.8 Force which are against the Change in Excel care

There are some forces which influences the performance of the business. The forces are of restrain in nature as they are opposite to the driving forces which promote the business.  restraining forces hinder the change and the  restraining forces are not similar in nature in nature with driving forces as they works opposite to  driving forces rather than constituting driving forces in along themselves. Some of the restrain forces are as follows.

  • An individuals fear: An individuals fear of failure affects the progress of the organisations as due to, if the individual belongs to the management or top level authority then it's fear and incapability of doing effective work can leads to failure. This force can be seen in any organisation like Excel care holdings.
  • Organisational Inertia or Apathy: Apathy can results in disruption in process of combining in
  • Hostility: Planning like goals, attach the emotional value of goal and put ideas into action. Hostility may be the main restraining force if it is present within the organisation and hostility may be of competitive firm and also helps in providing the advantage to face tough competition, but in case of Excel care the hostility may be or may not be present as because the organisation also providing the social services also(Song, and et. al., 2015)

2.9 Forcefield model

This model is based on forces in order to ensure the business responds to environment. The analysing model determine changes in strategies. Lewin forcefield model define forces with driving changes and then restraining it. Analysis refers to investigate and identify the power involved in the issue, influence the target groups. They are explained in internal and external forces for change in organisation.

Internal Forces

  • their effects came on increasing efficiency and competitiveness.
  • Conflicts occur in between departments.

External Forces

  • Forces takes place in uncertain economic situations.
  • In organisation forces by legal and taxation policy.
  • Globally impact on services in workforce.

2.10 Positive and Negative impacts on forcefield model

This model defines both positive and negative aspects, which diagnose situation by examining forces. Pushing decision plays the role of driving forces and restraining forces define decision making process(.Wong, Gregory and Pacey, 2015).

Positive impacts and why.

  • It is a good model to opt by supporting and making potential decision.
  • They are looking at quality factors which helps in impacty on success and failure decision.
  • It helps in evaluating data itself and expanding to analyse decision on changes.

Negative factors

  • it is a bad model to opt because their in an inaccurate informations.
  • Full participation isn't possible in this analysis.

Except this model, the model is to accept is of Trans theoretical model, which has powerful principles of organisational changes.


3.1 Largest force can leads to change

The largest force which can leads to change for the betterment and of category of driving force is Product and services provided by the organisation. Because the excel care provides the products and services for both private as well as social motive and provides the residential services in several regions for social as well as private motive. Hence it will helps in building the brand name of the organisation and support for the long term survival of the organisation.

3.2 Largest force against change of Excelcare

The largest force that can work against the driving force for the variation or change for the betterment of the excel care, may be Hostility, as the organisation works for social as well as personal motive. The working for the social motive helps the organisation in building the brand name which gives the rises to the hostility from other competitive organisations which may affect the business survival.


From the above project report it has been concluded that the Excel care history, business criteria, SWOT and PESTLE analysis. Also pertain the theory of changes of several categories like Grundy's theory, Todnem theory, punctuated equilibrium model and Kotters theory. All theories are for the betterment of the organisation like Excelcare holdings. Not only this, various forces for and against of the betterment of the organisation and at last the Lewin's model of driving and restraining forces, all are comprises in the above study.


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